Last Thursday night, we were suprised with a blanket of snow on the ground. We hardly ever get snow days around here so when we do, it shuts down the city. It unfortunatley took David 2 1/2 hours to get home. Since he didn't make it home in time to play with Asher that evening, he took him out early Friday morning before heading to work. What a great way to start the day...playing in the snow at sunrise!
Asher loved walking through the snow but needed some help at times with how deep it was (probably 2 inches).
Sliding is much more fun on the snow!
Asher had a fun morning in the snow. Later in the day, we went out again so that we could build a small snowman. Asher also enjoyed tasting the snow. I don't know if enjoyed playing in the snow as much as he enjoyed putting on his snow gear. He loves to wear his hat and "mits" (what he calls his mittens). Unfortunately, we probably won't see snow like that for a long time if even again this winter. It is the one thing I miss about Ohio winters (although I do not miss the cold that burns when you take a breath outside).