So, I am trying to finish up my advent calendar (that actually was started last year pre-Christmas) but I can't seem to finish it because of this one little item....a red button!! Actually, I need 25 red buttons that look like this one. I have searched the internet for hours and am done with it!! I have been to Joann's who had 18 of green and red but the greens didn't match and well, I need 25 NOT 18!! This is getting ridiculous and I have spent so much time on this that I have to see it completed. So, if you are out there and know where I can get this button (I will even take a Christmas green at this point), please help me!!!
well, i went to wal-mart this morning (i know, i know...long story) and they have lots of buttons in the sewing/crafts area. don't know if they have what you want, but maybe?
i know you have something in mind, but here is a post that has other advent calendar ideas if you want to go another route.
I don't know what size you need, but Textile Fabrics has a ton of buttons. You'll probably pay twice what you would at Joann's, though.
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